domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

       Marxism and Literary Criticism

  1)      How is the literature as ideology?
Terry Eagleton's postulate the Marxist axiom consists in the entail between form – content, the writer's commitment and the perception of the author like producer. It represents its dip in the literature. This perspective is based on the Marxist inspection towards the literature, where there is arranged that the above mentioned type of critique consists  to different pieces, where a linear analogy is difficult to find.Nevertheless  his theoretical sustenance and his theoretical is changing constantly. Since K.Marx  to F. Engels, Terry Eagleton analyzes  these visions they have as object explain the literary work (in its form and style) this way to approach the historical dyes that delineate the literary work.Literary work is the result of a historical process. Though it does not limit itself simply to this one. It means  the Marxist critique the literature shapes its complete process  of which it its part of.From the examples that the theoretical Englishman emphasizes it is possible to stand out to:León Trosky who was affirming that a great reactionary writer was capable of writing a revolutionary work or that the same artistic creations are not supported and not determined by the ideologies of its  authors. L. Trosky was postulating that the bourgeois art was incorporated in the socialist culture.The second example is on V. L. Lenin who was opposed that the literature was born with political dyes, so it would be rejected for artificial. The bourgeois art must be used for and with revolutionary ends. The art must be immersed in the revolution, because  it turns  in a  very effective ideological weapon. The end does not justify the means, the end per se is the art  by itself.The literature is so an ideology. The ideologies are macerating by the literature. The ideology is constituted by beliefs and values. They  are  support  on the material  structures. They  by themselves reflect  the relations between  the individual subjects that live their social condition and their production. Eagleton specifies that the literary way of production is subordinated to these forces and its social relations.

          2)      Wich way are the form and the literary content related?The literary form is merely ideological. This ideology appears in the form, the rhetoric, and the language.In this way it is possible to examine the ideological form that has acquired the speech. According to Lukács the literary form in the novel arises in a historical moment: The middle class demands a literary expression of agreement to its  ideology. According to Lucien Goldman the form and the literary content remains subject  and  its  dialectics: text, vision of the world and history.The society’s  is " the content ', its  way of production, which determines ' the forms ' of its. superstructure.

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